"All these options, which do I choose?" |
Ditch that aerosol can! Shaving foam does not tend to be liked by most experienced shaver. Even though it has a fluffy texture, it does not provide enough skin-protection, lubrication, or moisture. Gel formulas are one step up from shaving foams, companies are starting to realize that they need to add more moisturizing ingredients, but most of these gels are still filled to rim with chemicals, artificial coloring, and an overpowering scent that can irritate your skin. So that means if you are going to stick to gels, use one that works with your skin, and not against it. Or throw in some old school barber shop products into your routine, like creams, soaps or anything with a good fat content. While they maybe a lot of options to choose from, try to experiment and find one that works for you!