Wealth is Power

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Part I: The Prep

A shaving brush whipping up a nice lather!
Now if you're reading this, you are probably interested in improving your shaving experience, welcome aboard! The first step to a great shave is how you prep your face. Shaving after a steamy hot shower will help immensely, the steam from the shower will help soften your whiskers and open up you pores allowing the blade to glide easily across your face. After this you will want to exfoliate your skin, what this does is it takes all the dead skin cells off, so they don't clump up on your blade and cause tugging.The next step would to use a pre-shave creams help soften up your skin, and hair, this will help protect skin against razor burn or any rashes you might get from shaving. This part is where it gets fun! You can either use a shave cream or shaving soap.Shaving cream offers a little more protection against the blade so you might want to use this if you're shaving with a DE safety razor. Shaving soap takes up slightly more time to whip into a lather, so I recommend soap for a straight razor shave or just shave which you make more time for. What I do is, I leave the shaving soap in my mug always, so when I need to shave,  I just add water, and whip up a nice lather for my face. You'll want to apply the lather on your face in a circular motion so you lift up all your hairs making it easier to get a closer shave. Lately classic shaving brushes have been rising in popularity, maybe because they exfoliate while you're applying cream, maybe because they give you a better shave, maybe just because they look cool; whatever the reason, you should pick one up as soon as you can.So that sums up preparation for a shave, stay tuned for more instructions!

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