Wealth is Power

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Shaving creams, soaps, and gels.

"All these options, which do I choose?"

Ditch that aerosol can! Shaving foam does not tend to be liked by most experienced shaver. Even though it has a fluffy texture, it does not provide enough skin-protection, lubrication, or moisture. Gel formulas are one step up from shaving foams, companies are starting to realize that they need to add more moisturizing ingredients, but most of these gels are still filled to rim with chemicals, artificial coloring, and an overpowering scent that can irritate your skin. So that means if you are going to stick to gels, use one that works with your skin, and not against it. Or throw in some old school barber shop products into your routine, like creams, soaps or anything with a good fat content. While they maybe a lot of options to choose from, try to experiment and find one that works for you!


  1. Hello Abdullah!

    When you told me about the topic of your blog / posts, I had my reservations. How much can one write about shaving? I was wrong. It was interesting to read your posts and the accompanying pictures were fun. I love the retro feel - and they do indeed nicely complement the tools used in the art of shaving.
    The shaving brush is such a neat thing and it reminds me of older people in the past, perhaps in a barber shop where shaving is a social and relaxing ritual. I equate shaving for guys to manicures and hair for girls. Most often we wash and do our hair quickly so we get out of the house on time. It is a luxury and very fun to get our hair done for a special occasion. I am sure most guys think it is a chore to shave every day. But from what you have described in your posts, if you do it properly, you will have wonderful and healthy skin and you might enjoy taking that time to pamper and take care of yourself. I am not surprised you enjoy the ritual - your skin is indeed healthy looking.

    You haven't written since Nov. 14 so keep posting. :) Ms. Morton

  2. Shaving is not art, due to the fact it is not a medium which conveys any degree of emotional expression or philosophical thought. Although I do enjoy your tips very posy-ironically.
